Monday, February 27, 2012

spam? / outfit winner!

i have noticed that on many blogs my comments were never published, even though Google says they were. so i commented on my sisters blog and found my comment was put into her spam automatically by Google and i was wondering if anyone knows how i can change this. if you have any ideas please let me know.

mckenna's fancy outfit won!

mckenna's fancy outfit 2 66%
the valintines outfit 0 0%
  Rebecca's movie dress 1 33%


p.s. tomorrows  my birthday! : )


  1. Hmm...I have never had that problem. Maybe check the comment settings on her blog settings??

    Happy early birthday!:)


  2. I noticed that when you comment on my blog (My AG Place) they go to spam for some reason. They posted on the blog when I took them out of spam though. It stopped after a while though. Check the comment moderati
    on settings on your blog maybe?

  3. Hi Alanna!

    I would like to thank you soooo much for following my blog, The Ramblings of Emma! You are really nice! :)

