thankful list

i am thankful for:

this list was made for thanksgiving but when i went
 to delete it i thought why should i? so i am leaving it up 
as are reminder of everything i have to be thankful for,
 and i will be adding new things whenever i think of them.

1. family
2. friends
3. my house
4. Brownies 
5. computers
6. internet
7. ipods
8. music
10. soft fuzzy blankets
11. snow 
12. sleepovers
13. holidays
14. my life
15. my church
16. printers
17. movies
18. jokes
19. happiness
20. sadness (you couldn't be happy if you were never sad)
21. phones
22. taste
23. dessert
24. paper
25. blogs
26. pens
27. clothes
28. slippers
29. cars
30. stores
31. malls
32. kayaking
33. Christmas
34. e-mailing
35. my followers
36. other bloggers
37. money
38. party's
39. little kids's
wow i could go on forever but i'll stop for now